Do Begonias Like Sun? 5 Types That Thrive in Lots of Light

Do Begonias Like Sun? 5 Types That Thrive in Lots of Light

Can you only grow begonias in shade, or do begonias like sun too? Thanks to lots of breeding work in recent years, this fascinating and extremely diverse group of plants is no longer limited to growing in shady, protected locations. Several new varieties have been created that not only withstand 8 or more hours of direct sun, but thrive in it as well. Find out which types of begonias like sun, and get some must-know tips on how to grow these beautiful plants successfully in hot, sunny spots.

Do Begonias Like Sun or Shade?

Most types of begonias grow in shady areas in nature. However, plant breeders have been able to increase sun tolerance in several groups of begonias. For gardeners, this means that there are now plenty of options for begonias can grow in sun or shade.

Best Begonias for Sun

1. Surefire Begonias

The Surefire series of big, bold hybrid begonias (Begonia x benariensis) will thrive in sun and heat while producing colorful flowers all summer long. Dark green leaves contrast nicely with the vivid blooms in pink, red, or white, providing an eye-catching color combination. Used mostly as annuals, these begonias grow 1-2 feet tall and need very little care other than regular watering.

2. Dragon Wing Begonia

Dragon Wing begonias combine the hardiness of wax begonias (Begonia semperflorens) with the trailing habits of other species. These begonias are excellent for containers and look especially gorgeous in hanging baskets. Large flower clusters and green to bronze leaves look stunning all summer without needing to deadhead flowers or pinch back stems.

3. San Francisco Begonia

Bred from the Bolivian begonia (Begonia boliviensis), 'San Francisco' is a new variety that will grow in sun or shade. Long, narrow leaves and arching stems give this plant a distinctive look. It will quickly fill hanging baskets where its dangling pink flowers can best be admired. Pollinated by hummingbirds in the wild, this plant is a magnet for these tiny feathered pollinators as well as butterflies.

4. Summerwings Tuberous Begonia

This show-stopper series of tuberous begonias (Begonia x tuberhybrida) includes varieties that have trailing and mounding habits on plants that get about a foot tall. Flowers come in bright red, pink, or orange. All bloom continuously through the summer in sun to part shade without needing to be deadheaded.

Tuberous begonias are tender perennial plants with tubers that can be dug up and stored at the end of each season, then replanted the following spring.

5. Double Delight Tuberous Begonia

Double Delight is a new series of tuberous begonias with petal-packed blooms that cover the plants all summer. The double flowers come in subtle shades of pink, red, and yellow. They're lightly fragrant as well. The plants grow to just over a foot tall, making them a good choice for containers and hanging baskets.

Tips for Growing Begonias in Sun


Aside from a few species such as Begonia venosa, the vast majority of begonias require plenty of moisture to look their best. Avoid watering on a set schedule and instead water as needed when the soil feels dry. Desiccated begonia leaves will quickly shrivel and burn in the hot sun, requiring the plants to regrow new, healthy leaves.


For greater sun tolerance, plant begonias in loamy, organically enriched soils with a top dressing of compost to help retain moisture. The soil also should have excellent drainage to avoid root rot.

A high quality potting mix that contains a high organic content along with perlite or sand will be helpful for potted begonias. Be especially dutiful with regular watering when planting in soil mixes with a large amount of peat moss. Peat retains water when already moistened, but after drying out, it becomes hydrophobic and takes longer to reabsorb water once again.


Begonias prefer lots of moisture, humidity, and warmth, but still air can create a breeding ground for disease or create a pocket of excessive heat. Remove weeds and other barriers to airflow, and place your begonias where they'll have enough space to allow for some air movement around them.

Container Types

Begonias thrive in containers and the ground alike, but some care should be taken when choosing a container for your plants. While unglazed terracotta pots are good options for most plants, their porous nature wicks moisture away from the soil. This cuts down on overwatering issues, which is what makes them especially great choices for growing cacti and succulents, but potted begonias growing in the sun need plenty of water. If the potting soil dries out too quickly in a terracotta pot, this could lead to stress and burning of your plant. Instead, go with plastic pots and containers that will help hold more moisture.

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