How to Plant and Grow Cranberry Hibiscus

How to Plant and Grow Cranberry Hibiscus

Cranberry hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) is a vibrant, fast-growing shrubby plant with rich burgundy foliage and handsome palmate leaves resembling those of a red Japanese maple tree. It grows as an annual in all but the warmest areas of the United States, quickly reaching full size in the heat of summer. Late summer and early autumn may initiate sporadic blooming of 4-inch pink or red flowers that last for a day, but the unique foliage is the star of the show.

Cranberry Hibiscus Overview

Genus Name Hibiscus acetosella
Common Name Cranberry Hibiscus
Additional Common Names African rosemallow, Maroon mallow, False roselle, Red-leaved hibiscus
Plant Type Annual, Perennial
Light Part Sun, Sun
Height 3 to 9 feet
Width 2 to 3 feet
Flower Color Pink, Red
Foliage Color Purple/Burgundy
Season Features Colorful Fall Foliage, Fall Bloom
Zones 10, 11, 9
Propagation Seed, Stem Cuttings

Where to Plant Cranberry Hibiscus

Cranberry hibiscus thrives in a full-sun spot with rich soil and regular moisture. It tolerates part shade but may become leggy and, more importantly, lose the intensity of the leaf color. You can grow this plant in-ground or in large planters. Native to tropical East Africa, cranberry hibiscus is a tender perennial in USDA Zones 9–11 so will not survive winter in colder regions.

Grow cranberry hibiscus as an individual specimen plant, creating drama and contrast in the garden, or plant in large groups to provide a saturated backdrop that accentuates other colors and leaf shapes throughout the bed.

How and When to Plant Cranberry Hibiscus

Plant cranberry hibiscus in the garden after all danger of frost has passed. Seedlings quickly grow into large specimens as the temperatures warm. Dig a hole as deep as the roots of your plant and one or two times as wide as the root ball. Water newly installed plants heavily and add a 2–3 inch layer of mulch to retain moisture. Fertilize new plants after they become settled in two to three weeks. Allow space for your cranberry hibiscus to mature into a full-size plant by mid- to late summer. Crowded plants may become leggy with long, heavy stems prone to breakage. 

Cranberry Hibiscus Care Tips

Cranberry hibiscus grows best in full sun. It thrives in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil that receives regular moisture. The plant is relatively low-maintenance, except for the need for frequent watering.


For the best burgundy-red leaf color, grow cranberry hibiscus in full sun. Plants that receive too much shade lose their vibrant color, and the leaves turn an unsightly shade of brownish-green. Cranberry hibiscus may benefit from some protection from the afternoon sun in areas of extreme heat or when grown in a planter. 

Soil and Water

Cranberry hibiscus needs moist but well-drained soil and frequent watering. Soil that stays saturated leads to root rot, while too dry soil causes the plant to lose its leaves prematurely.  

Temperature and Humidity

These plants grow best in regions with long and warm summer temperatures in the 60°F-85°F range and average-to-high humidity. 


Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every four to six weeks from late spring through early autumn, following the instructions on the packaging. Begin fertilizing two to three weeks after planting. Reduce the amount of fertilizer on plants grown in large planters to limit excessive growth, which requires extra water and increased pruning to maintain an appropriate size plant.


Cut back the tips of long stems to encourage bushiness. Plants grow very fast during warm weather and are soft-wooded with a lot of weight on the branches due to the prolific foliage. In heavy winds, this extra weight can cause the stems to snap near the base of the plant. If this occurs, remove the damaged limbs, cut back the remaining branches, and allow the plant to regrow.

Potting and Repotting Cranberry Hibiscus

Most varieties of cranberry hibiscus are too large to grow in anything except large landscape planters. If you grow it in a planter, locate it in an area with easy access to water. Large plants may need water once or twice daily during the peak of summer.

Pests and Problems

Cranberry hibiscus doesn’t tolerate constantly wet feet. The soil must drain to eliminate the threat of root rot. Young plants are susceptible to breakage in high winds, which can be minimized with occasional pruning. However, in areas where large plants are exposed to high winds, consider staking plant stems or growing the plants through large tomato cages for structural support.

Cranberry hibiscus is easy to grow and not prone to pests. Healthy plants can usually fend off minor pest infestations long enough for natural predators to complete the job. However, it is susceptible to mealybugs, thrips, and Japanese beetles.

Excessively high humidity can lead to powdery mildew. Improve airflow around the plants by thinning stems and surrounding plants to alleviate this issue.

How to Propagate Cranberry Hibiscus

Cranberry hibiscus is easy to propagate with collected seeds or stem cuttings.


Allow the seedpods to dry while on the plant. Hold a jar or other container under them and cut the seedpods from the plant. Crack the seedpods open and shake out the seeds. Keep the seeds in a warm, dry place until six to eight weeks before your last frost. 

Get a start on the growing season by starting the seeds indoors. Soak the seeds in warm water for 1 hour and sow them 1/4 inch deep in dampened potting mix in indirect light. Cover the pot or seed flat with clear plastic, and maintain the temperature around 70°F. Don’t allow the seedlings to dry out.

Stem Cuttings

Collect 12-inch stem tip cuttings in autumn before the onset of cool weather to ensure plants for the following season. Remove the foliage from the bottom of the cutting, leaving foliage only at the top. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and place them in a lightly dampened potting medium. Provide bottom heat of 54°-68°F for best results. Cover or mist the cuttings several times throughout the day to increase humidity until roots begin to grow. Cuttings can also be rooted in water, but the success rate isn’t as high as for those started in potting soil. 

Types of Cranberry Hibiscus

‘Mahogany Splendor’

Hibiscus acetosella ‘Mahogany Splendor’ reaches 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide with sturdy branches and deep chocolatey-red leaves. The flowers appear in mid to late summer. Each bloom lasts only a day, but the plant blooms continually until the weather cools.

‘Red Shield’

Hibiscus acetosella ‘Red Shield’ is a commonly available plant with iridescent, maroon-burgundy leaves. The flowers are red with a dark maroon center. It is a full-sized selection reaching 5 feet tall and 30 inches wide.

‘Panama Red’

Hibiscus acetosella ‘Panama Red’ is a compact selection, growing to 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It has deeply cut burgundy red foliage and dark red funnel-shaped flowers that appear infrequently in late summer and early fall.

Cranberry Hibiscus Companion Plants


The bold, upright foliage of canna contrasts beautifully with cranberry hibiscus. Short selections can be planted in front of or alongside cranberry hibiscus plants, while tall selections stand gracefully behind them. Cannas are available in various heights, flower colors, and foliage colors. Experiment to find your favorite combination. 

Pineapple Sage

The intense chartreuse foliage and bright red blooms of pineapple sage explode in color when planted alongside the dark foliage of cranberry hibiscus. Pineapple sage smells like pineapple fruit when crushed and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.


The long, strappy green leaves and purple-firecracker flowers of agapanthus pair well with the burgundy foliage of cranberry hibiscus. Agapanthus can be planted in front of cranberry hibiscus to highlight the contrasting textures and forms of the two plants.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I make my cranberry hibiscus bloom?

    You don’t. Cranberry hibiscus blooms are triggered by shortened day length, which occurs late in the growing season. But in most areas, cold weather at this time of year eliminates the chance for blooming. If you are fortunate enough to live in a warmer climate where your plants can bloom, enjoy it, but for most gardeners, this plant is grown for the beautiful foliage.

  • Is cranberry hibiscus edible?

    Although cranberry hibiscus is not related to the cranberries that many people enjoy during the holidays, it is edible. The leaves are sour-tasting and can be added to salads and sauces or used to add color and acidity to dishes.

  • Will deer eat cranberry hibiscus?

    Deer usually leave cranberry hibiscus alone, although they may graze on them if there is a shortage of other food sources.

  • How do you make your cranberry hibiscus appear bushier?

    Pruning this plant can help it retain a bushier shape. This will also restrain its height since this fast-growing shrub can reach up to 9 feet high.

  • Does cranberry hibiscus attract pollinators?

    Cranberry hibiscus attracts pollinators, from bees to butterflies to hummingbirds. In warm climates, these flowering shrubs produce a ton of sweet nectar to keep pollinators fed.

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